Linux RULES!!! This is by no means a complete list of Linux information.

Some good places to find more complete Linux infomation:
Linux Online a great source of all things Linux
Linux Documentation Project
Slashdot "News for Nerds. Stuff That Matters" all the software (for Linux) you'll need!
SourceForge Open Source software hosting
Linux User #136320

If those links don't do it for you, try some hard copy (sometimes it's easier to flip through a book).
Search for books on

Linux <--> AS/400 Connectivity
tn5250  - 5250 Emulator
asdbget   - retrieve databases from the AS/400

This is intended to provide some quick answers to common Linux questions. It will be reorganized as is necessary to fit the pertinent information.


OK, how do we do "things" with files?
Action Command Usage Example Notes/comments
Copy cp <fromfile[s]> <tofile [or dir]> cp /tmp/test.txt /root Options: -f (force overwrite)
-i (interactive - prompt)
Move mv <fromfle[s]> <tofile [or dir]> mv /tmp/test.txt /root Options -f -i (also used to rename files)
Delete rm <file[s]> rm -i ~/index.html be very careful!!!
View! less <file[s]> less *.txt Check the man page for more syntax -
try pressing g and G for top/bottom
(b goes back a page)
q to quit, :n for next file
Archives tar xvzf package.tar.gz   tar is complex, but this is the most common decompression command

Packages (Based on Red Hat rpm - YMMV)
Package Information
rpm -qi <package>
List of installed packages
rpm -qa
Install a package
rpm -i <package>
Upgrade a package
rpm -U <package>
Erase a package -- CAREFUL!!!
rpm -e <package>

Choqok is a Free/Open Source micro-blogging client for K DesktopEnvironment.
Checked out svn revision 1177261 and built rpm. Hopefully the name will not conflict with another!

Here's a quick tip that will save you a lot of waiting later.

If you are running a job that will take a long time, and you want to move it to the background so you can do something else:
Press CTRL-Z to get a prompt then type bg

Worried about destroying files with shell command? (I do it all the time!)
    $ set +o noclobber
Now you'll be warned!

If your history is filling up with useless commands, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile (add any commands you want, no spaces)

Change disks: change <device> <file>
device not found? "info block" will list the devices
cd boot error? "file <file.iso>" from a command prompt to see if it is bootable
OS/2 Warp 4 (CD not bootable) - mount iso and boot DISKIMGS/OS2/35/DISK0.DSK
  Next use DISK1_CD.DSK then DISK2.DSK - it should start using CD after that.

More to come later! (mount, directories, what else?)

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